The Big Question
Are you asking yourself “How can I teach kindergarten readiness skills without using worksheets?” or “How can I teach literacy concepts to the whole child?”
With the ABC’s of Active Learning book, my hope is that all your questions will be answered! Not familiar with this resource from the ABC’s of Movement? Well, I describe the ABC’s of Active Learning book as the ABC’s of Movement cards on steroids!
What is Multisensory Learning?
Technically speaking, multisensory learning is using more than one of the body’s senses to learn. Since young children are experiential learners, the more senses they use in the learning process the more they will retain.
The 5 Senses
When we talk about the senses, we are specifically talking about the five basic senses of sight/seeing, hearing, touch, smell, and taste. In the therapy world, we also focus on proprioception which is the way our joints and muscles give us information about where our body is in space and the vestibular sense is centered in the inner ear and has to do with balance and movement against gravity. Physical and Occupational Therapists also talk about Interoception, especially with children who have autism or have sensory processing difficulties. Read more about this “Hidden Sense” here!
Multisensory Literacy Activities
The ABC’s of Active Learning book offers readers tons of multisensory literacy activities based on each alphabet letter. The alphabet activities from A to Z are a collection of activities that can be used with children of all abilities. Each of the twenty six ABC’s of Movement alphabet letters is accompanied by suggestions for pre-literacy activities, a story, a fine motor craft, sensory activities for building, tracing, and writing the alphabet letters, skywriting instructions, sensory activities for taste and smell, and a gross motor game.
For example, for the letter A, in addition to Alligator March, There’s an Alligator Under My Bed by Mercer Mayer is the suggested read. The fine motor craft for preschoolers is Alligator Hand Prints. Using washable green paint and the shape of their hands to mimic an alligator’s open mouth, children use their own body as an art tool in this sensory-rich experience. For a gross motor game, they can experience balloon play with alligators. After inflating green balloons, use a marker and draw alligators on them. Learning outcomes from alligator balloon play include eye-hand coordination, balance, and motor planning.

Engaged Young Learners!
Did you know you can teach writing without having children pick up a pencil? The multisensory writing approach of build, trace, write engages young learners in exploring the alphabet in fun, exciting ways. Preschool age children can use alphabet magnets to cover a pre-written letter to essentially build a letter, they can trace the letter “A” in applesauce, and can write with an Aquadoodle.
They can also taste and smell apples and take a nature walk and look for acorns and ants.
All activities are designed to be exciting and motivating, while simultaneously providing rich multisensory input, improving motor development, and learning.
Where To Purchase?
This book can stand alone or be a supplement to The ABC’s of Movement® activity cards. Here are a few different ways to purchase it.
Looking For More Ideas?
Exploring educational concepts though movement and multiple senses gives children opportunities to learn in ways they understand. For more multisensory learning ideas check out our post, 10 ways to teach the alphabet that incorporate movement or “A” is for Activity.