
What’s on the ABC’s of Movement® Activity Cards?

Before we talk about what’s on our cards, we have to discuss the why behind the ABC’s of Movement®.

Our purpose is to give you the tools you need to make learning a hands on, active learning experience. We want to help parents and early childhood professionals accelerate children’s ability to learn through sensory and whole body movement based activities. Our activity cards are just one of the many ways we’re working to achieve our mission!

Now let’s get into what makes our activity cards unique! 

THE FRONT: each alphabet card has an image of a preschool aged child performing the movement activity, we included kids from all different backgrounds. To the left, upper and lower case letters with stroke marks show the correct way to write the letter and the name of the activity.


THE BACK: of the ABC’s of Movement® activity cards is what truly sets us apart. Each card contains directions for the adult who is helping facilitate this early literacy lesson. The different components that make up the back of the card are versatile and can be used to create a variety of activities that can be done at home or in the classroom. There are no other activity cards that do this. 

On the back of each card you can find:

  •  Phonological Awareness Instructions: encompasses a number of sound-related skills necessary for a child to develop into a reader.
  • Skywriting Instructions: to write letters in the air. Skywriting the letter “A” involves using the muscles of the upper arm and shoulder in a full arm swing. An excellent activity for kinesthetic learners.
  • Rhyming Sentence: directs children’s attention to the similarities and differences in the sounds of words
  • Alliteration Sentence: because drawing children’s attention to alliteration is a great way to introduce phonemes, small units of speech sounds that make up words.
  • Performance Instructions: direct children how to perform each pre k alphabet activity.  For the A card, they make an alligator’s mouth by holding their arms straight out and march forward while opening and closing their “mouths.”       
  • Modifications: can be used for children with special needs.
  • Motor Components: are markers for foundational skills that help children in their development.  For example, alligator marching is a great activity for bilateral coordination. 

Each one of our cards is unique and incredibly engaging. These activity cards support any existing literacy program you are already using. They engage the whole child by connecting movement with early literacy experiences. Available for purchase as a physical product or as a downloadable PDF that can be printed from your home. For best results print on card stock paper using a color printer.

Our blog page has more ideas designed for children of all abilities from 3-7 years of age to explore from.  These fun alphabet activities for preschoolers are incredibly versatile and can be combined with music to enhance learning even more!

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