Kids LOVE spinners!
This DIY ABC’s of Movement® Spinner was made out of an UNO Spin game but you can use any spinner you have at home or make your own. The spaces around the perimeter are covered with the ABC’s of Movement® letters and movements, which are interchangeable thanks to Velcro. Extra cards can be stored in the middle and can be replaced as needed.
To play this active preschool early literacy learning game, children take turns spinning, identifying the letter, choosing the corresponding ABC’s of Movement® activity card, and leading the group in the movement. The spinner is placed on the ground so children must squat down when taking their turn. This squatting activity helps build muscle strength and balance. It is especially helpful for children with special needs or younger kids. The preschool game continues as children take turns until every child has had a turn to spin, learn, and lead their friends in the movement fun. If unable to identify the letter, children are encouraged to ask a friend to help or ask the adult for assistance.
To further support your literacy instruction, use the information on the back of the cards!
For example, after identifying the letter, ask the children to say the sound that the letter represents. Perfect for preschool-age children, this foundational skill is called phonemic awareness and deals with the sounds only – a crucial skill when learning to write letters.
Want to add another sensory layer to this early literacy activity? How about adding music! Music and movement instruction has been shown to improve memory, cognitive development, learning skills, and cooperative group learning. The ABC’s of Movement Music Album takes your lesson to the next level of fun!
Learning outcomes include gross-motor skill enhancement, turn-taking, and cooperative learning.
This game is great for home schooling, special education, preschool education, and any other group of children who enjoy learning the alphabet while moving!