
ABC Grab and Go: A Music and Movement Activity for Preschoolers

ABC Grab and Go

Are you looking for ways to keep your kids active and learning at home during quarantine? Or, are you an early childhood professional or therapist gathering ideas to use for distance learning as we get back to our “new normal”? Then you’ll love this DIY game, ABC Grab and Go. It’s a super fun music and movement activity you can use!

Learning Objectives

Learning objectives include improved gross motor skills by demonstrating control and coordination of large muscles to perform an activity,  increased awareness of own body and other people’s space during interactions, and managing behavior according to expectations while taking turns and following directions. 

In addition to being aligned with national early learning standards, this activity is also perfect for teaching children the alphabet; especially teaching kinesthetic learners. Kinesthetic learners are learners that learn through objects that they can touch and explore.

What Do You Need To Play?

You only need four items to play this early literacy activity for preschoolers:

  1. Grab bag – it can be a paper bag, plastic bag, cloth bag or you could use a shoe box. 
  2. Alphabet letters – magnetic letters, block letters, or foam letters will do. 
  3. Set of The ABC’s of Movement® activity cards (also available to download as a pdf)
  4. Music – Any fun music will work however The ABC’s of Movement® music album is perfect for the classroom and is specifically designed to be used along with the activity cards. (also available to stream!)

How To Play

After you gather the items, this game can be played one on one with your child or in a group setting. To play this abc learning game, place the alphabet letters in a bag and instruct each child to take a turn pulling out a letter, identifying it, locating the corresponding ABC’s of Movement® activity card, and leading the group in performing the physical activity. 

The adult enhances the learning by playing abc alphabet songs while the children are moving around their learning environment. The preschool game continues until every child has had a turn reaching in the grab bag and leading their friends in movement fun. If unable to identify the letter, children are encouraged to ask a friend to help or ask the adult for assistance. 

To further support your literacy instruction, use the information on the back of the cards!

Why It's Fun!

Kids love being the leader and this alphabet learning game gives them that opportunity while they are enhancing their literacy skills through music and movement. I recently facilitated a preschool group through zoom and used this activity. The kids loved it even though I had to reach in and pull the letters out of the grab bag. 

Need more alphabet games for kids that involve movement and turn taking? Check out ABC SPINNER and ABC Hungry Puppy!

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